In This Article
(Click the links below to move easily to sections of this article)
Why Generations See Things Differently
Who is Generation X
What Events Shaped Generation X
Video 1: Understanding and Managing Generation X
Video 2: 15 Influential Events that Shaped Generation X
Quiz: Understanding Generation X
Generations in the Workplace Article Series
How to Manage Generation X
Why Generations See Things Differently
As I work with managers, the generational divide continues to be a challenge for many of them. I still hear older managers complaining about the poor work ethics of younger workers and younger managers complaining about the do it my way or hit the highway attitude of older workers. The newest diversity challenge in the workplace is generational.
While there is much that all generations have in common, there are some differences too among them coming from different life experiences. These differences reflect the unique time and place that each generation has in history.
These differences give each generation a unique personality, as I noted in an earlier post on Baby Boomers:
Generational personality comes from events that a generation of people experience as they are growing up in a certain point in time in American history. These events shape the values of that generation which they later bring to the workplace.
Who is Generation X
Gen X’ers, sandwiched in-between the Baby Boomers and Gen Y (the Millennials), were born in the early 60’s through 1980. Their children, Generation Z, are now gradually entering the workplace.
Gen X’ers core values include diversity, self-reliance, practicality, informality, work/life balance, flexibility, and technology.
Like other engaged workers, Gen X’ers give their best when their responsibilities in the workplace align with their values. Their performance suffers when their values are ignored.
For Gen X, the job is work — a way to provide for themselves and their families. The job is not everything! Share on XWhat Events Shaped Generation X
What events helped to shape the Gen X personality?
First, it’s important to understand one critical event for many Gen X’ers: the fact is that many of them grew up as latchkey kids. It’s also true that their generation comes from families with the highest percentage of divorce. This has taught them the importance of having both self-reliance and a healthy dose of skepticism.
Here’s a list of 15 influential events that shaped Gen X’ers as they were growing up:
- Fall of the Berlin Wall
- Challenger disaster
- Energy crisis
- Jonestown mass suicide
- Rise of the personal computer
- Watergate scandal
- Lockerbie flight bombing
- Three Mile Island meltdown
- Corporate layoffs
- Rodney King beating
- Iranian hostage crisis
- Stock market decline
- Exxon Valdez oil tanker spill
- Operation Desert Storm
- Terrorism at the Munich Olympics
Given the uncertainty of their times, it’s easier to understand the adaptable and sometimes skeptical nature of Gen X’ers. I frequently refer to them as the real winners of Survivor.
Managers who adjust their approach to account for the unique generational needs of Gen X workers will get better results from them.
Gen X's are flexible, independent, skeptical and technologically savvy. They are also increasingly the BOSS in today's organizations. Share on XVideo 1: Understanding and Managing Generation X
*Music for this video is courtesy of 2: 15 Influential Events that Shaped Generation X
If you're not working for a Gen X'er, you probably will be soon. They're quickly becoming the new bosses in organizations. Share on XQuiz: Understanding Generation X
Generations in the Workplace Article Series
How to Manage Generation X
Article Reference Information: Zemke, R., Raines, C., & Filipczak, B. (2000). Generations at Work. New York: AMACOM.
This article is accurate to the best of the author’s knowledge.
Content is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional advice in business, management, legal, or human resource matters.